The global food price rising in 2007/08 triggered the so-called “land grabbing” around the world, and that impact continues still now. Almost 10 years have passed since 2008. What is happening over the issue now? We invite Devlin Kuyek of GRAIN, who has analysed and warned the phenomenon first in the world, to give a report on the following three topics:
(i) the latest trend of land grabbing caused by agribusiness corporations, highlighting the issues about producing vegetable oil crops, oil palm and soy;
(ii) impacts on local communities in Africa (Gabon, Tanzania, Mozambique), Latin America (Brazil), and Asia; and
(iii) the involvement of and implications for Japan.
Time: 15:00-17:30
Venue: Kyoto University, Graduate School of Economics, Mizuho Hall
– 15:00-15:15: Moderator Prof. dr. Shuji Hisano (Kyoto University)
– 15:15-16:15: Lecture by Devlin Kuyek (GRAIN)
– 16:15-16:40: Comments by Prof. dr. Koichi Ikegami (Kindai University)
– 16:40-17:30: Discussion
Registration required:
office[at]mozambiquekaihatsu.net (please replace [at] with @)
Organised by GRAIN and JSPS Research Project on Food Security and Land Grabbing in Semi-arid Africa (led by Prof Tadasu Tsuruta, Kindai University)
in collaboration with Kyoto University Asian Platform for Global Sustainability & Transcultural Studies (AGST) and Japan Fund for Global Environment (JFGE)