Business History & Industry Policy Studies

Division :
Partners :
  1. University of Glasgow

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The core driving forces of today’s globalised economy are enterprise and innovation. Business history is one of the most powerful approaches to explain the dynamics of firms, industries, local, national and global economies and transformation of societies. Business history is not just about studying the past, but about how knowledge of the past shapes our understanding of the present and sets our expectations for the future. In other words, history is the most insightful source for strategy and policy making. It also provides a framework by which the limits and effectiveness of generalisation and theorisation are set. Hence, in this module, we bridge historical study and a wide variety of social sciences.


The objective of this module is to nurture a comprehensive capability to contextualize the significance of actors, events, and institutions in the past and present systematically.

Area of Study

This module covers a wide array of disciplines based on the historical approach, such as Business History, Socio-economic History, and History of Economic Thought. Since the beginning of the 21st century, there has been a growing call for integration of history into organisation studies, along with repercussions in the related disciplines of strategy, entrepreneurship, international business and a variety of policy studies. Thus, this module combines history and organisational studies including management.

Learning Goals

While mastering the essential analytical tools of Business History and Industry Policy studies, students are also expected to learn the basic approaches used in the foundational disciplines of Economics, Management, and History. On completion of the module they should have acquired:

  1. Capability to understand and apply basic concepts of broadly defined social science, especially Management and Economics.
  2. Skills to position individual cases in wider social and historical contexts.
  3. Capability to use historical research methods and case studies.
  4. Capability to understand time- and location-specific actors, events and institutions from comparative perspective.

Examples of Courses

  1. Business History & Industry Studies Readings A (GSE)
  2. Corporate Strategy and Organization (GSE)
  3. Economic & Business History (GSE)
  4. Economic History Readings A (GSE)
  5. Historical Approaches to Business and Economics A (GSE)
  6. Historical Approaches to Business and Economics B (GSE)
  7. Industries and Global Competition (GSE)
  8. International Business and Nation States (GSE)
  9. Multiple Perspectives on Management (GSE)
  10. Readings in Global Economic History (GSE)
  11. Readings on Institutional Economics (GSE)
  12. Strategic Management (GSE)
  13. Sustainable Industry Development (GSE)

Core Teaching Staff

KUROSAWA, Takafumi
(Module Leader, Professor, GSE)
(Professor, GSE/GSM)
(Professor, GSE)
(Professor, GSE)
IVINGS, Steven Edward
(Associate Professor, GSE)
(Professor, University of Barcelona)
ROSS, Duncan
(Professor, University of Glasgow)
(Professor, University of Southern California)
(Professor International Business History, Erasmus University Rotterdam)