Business Management & Accounting Studies

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Business management has become one of the critical elements of contemporary economic society. At Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Economics we arrange the systematised curriculum that will be instrumental in learning updated approaches to behavioral aspects (corporate strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship), structural sides (organisational behavior and processes) and administrative factors (managerial and financial 12 accounting, and corporate governance) in an integrated fashion. Holding its scope to be both global in geographical coverage and flexible in theoretical and technical methodologies, the uniqueness of this programme lies in its characteristic combination of academic disciplines and practical applications.


This module on business management and accounting sets its ultimate goal to educate students to be well equipped with the latest knowledge in business management and accounting that suits their individual and different carrier goals. Students aiming at start working for an established business enterprise should value knowledge on strategic management and organizational behavior. For others who plan to found their own businesses the familiarity with entrepreneurship and innovation could be more valuable. Students aspiring to become an academic should be able to receive rigorous training in a scholarly discipline on which they would concentrate.

Area of Study

This module on business management and accounting includes the following areas of study:

  1. Strategic management (corporate strategy, international management, entrepreneurship)
  2. Organisational behavior (organisational behavior and processes, human resource management, networks and alliances)
  3. Innovation (innovation management, innovation and technology, service innovation)
  4. Marketing (marketing management, distribution channel and management)
  5. Accounting (financial accounting, managerial accounting, management control, corporate governance)

Learning Goals

Given the ever-changing business dynamics of the global economy, the educational goal of the module on business management and accounting is to teach the latest and comprehensive knowledge on management and accounting disciplines.

Further, responding to the current societal demand for specific expertise in professional management, students are expected to master the state-of-the-art techniques in their specialized subjects.

Examples of Courses

  1. Comparative Business Ethics (GSE)
  2. Corporate Strategy and Organization(GSE)
  3. Firms & Industrial Organization in Japan (GSE)
  4. International Agribusiness Studies (GSE)
  5. International Business and Nation States (GSE)
  6. International Human Resource Management (GSE)
  7. Multiple Perspectives on Management(GSE)
  8. Organization Theory (GSE)
  9. Strategic Management (GSE)

Core Teaching Staff

  (Professor, GSE/GSM)
  (Professor, GSE/GSM)
  (Professor, GSE/GSM)