AGST Module 1 (Environmental policy & Rural development studies) will hold a series of special lectures titled “Comparative Development Studies” from January 25 to 29, 2016.
This course will provide students with an overview of the theoretical development in Development Studies leading up to, and including a review of the concept of Sustainable Development. Throughout the course, students will review the main theoretical traditions of Development Sociology, especially Modernization theory, Dependency theory, and World System theory. As part of this review, the students will also review some of the main empirical examples used to debate these theories, especially under the globalization and financialisation of agri-food system.

Prof. Raymond A. Jussaume, Jr.
Michigan State University, USA
(1) January 25 (Mon) 13:30-16:30
(2) January 26 (Tue) 9:00-12:00
(3) January 27 (Wed) 13:30-16:30
(4) January 28 (Thu) 9:00-12:00
(5) January 29 (Fri) 9:00-12:00
Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics East Bldg.
(1): Mizuho Hall (B1)
(2)-(5): Meeting Room (8F)
[Lecture Title]
Comparative Development Studies
1. Introduction: Situating Sustainability within Development
2. Classical Approaches to Conceptualizing Development
3. Why does “Underdevelopment” Persist?
4. Planning and Evaluating Development Strategies
5. Reprise: Situating Sustainability within Development
Ms. Imai / Ms. Shima
International Affairs Office, GSE
iao.econ [at] (please replace [at] with @)