

Meeting on Joint/Double Degree Program and Future Partnership with Heidelberg University (2015.03.15-16)

  • Asian & Transcultural Studies

  • AGST Module 6 invited Dr. Rudolf Wagner and held the meeting to explore possibilities of joint/double degree program and future partnership between Kyoto University and Heidelberg University on March 15 & 16, 2015 at Kyoto University. Also Dr. Wagner instructed to graduate students at The Third Joint-Workshop by National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies of Fudan University and Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University which graduate students from Heidelberg University participated in from March 17 to 20, 2015.

    [Attendee at the meeting]

    Heidelberg University
    Rudolf Wagner (Professor)

    Kyoto University
    Shoji Hirata (Professor, Graduate School of Letters)