The Graduate School of Economics is pleased to announce the commencement of the call for entries for Internship Programme 2016.
This Internship Programme provides students of the Graduate School of Economics (GSE), Kyoto University with opportunities to conduct an internship. It aims at fostering students to acquire advanced knowledge and problem-solving skills in different circumstance or living condition, and contribute to the society by using the achievements of their working experience.
Before the application, please contact to IAO office and confirm whether your host institution/organisation meets the requirements of this programme.
[Application process & Eligibility requirements]
Application guideline
[Application period]
From 7th November, 2016 to 16th December,2016.
※The program will stop accepting application when the number of the successful candidates reaches the prescribed limits in the guideline.
Application Closed
[Download Application Form]
form 1 Application Form(.docx 39KB)
form2 Research Proposal(.docx 32KB)
form3 Research Schedule (.xls 35KB)
form4 Recommendation Letter(.docx 25KB)
form5 Pledge(.pdf 129KB)
form6 Completion Report(.docx 26KB)
International Affairs Office
Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University
iao.econ [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (please replace [at] with @)