

AGST Module 1 Special Lecture Series : “Spatial Thinking in Social Sciences Perspectives on Rural-Urban / Local-Global Dichotomies” (2016.10.11-10.21)

  • Environmental Policy & Rural Development Studies

  • [1-10]20161011_JoostBahar_final

    AGST Module 1 (Environmental policy & Rural development studies) will hold a series of special lectures titled “Spatial Thinking in Social Sciences Perspectives on Rural-Urban / Local-Global Dichotomies” from October 11 to 21, 2016.

    In this course, we critically engage with the spatial turn in social sciences developing since the 1970s. Building upon a brief introduction into the return of spatial thinking in the social sciences, we will discuss three themes in relation to the visual culture: the construction of the rural (in relation to the urban), our understanding of the local (in relation to the global), and re-invention of the nature (in relation to culture, or society).

    Prof. Dr. Joost Jongerden
    Wageningen University, Netherlands
    Ms. Bahar Şimşek
    Ankara University, Turkey

    (1) October 11(Tuesday)   9:00-12:00
    (2) October 14 (Friday)       9:00-12:00
    (3) October 14 (Friday)     13:00-15:30
    (4) October 18 (Tuesday)   9:00-12:00
    (5) October 21 (Friday)       9:00-12:00
    *Oct 14th has been changed from 13:00-16:30

    Meeting Room (8F), Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics East Bldg.

    [Lecture Title]
    Spatial Thinking in Social Sciences Perspectives on Rural-Urban / Local-Global Dichotomies

    * This course is designed to be worth 1 credit
    ** Advanced registration is required
    For credit — Student affairs office of your graduate school, by course registration period
    For participation — International affairs office, Graduate School of Economics

    Readings will be available through a Cloud system for participants.
    The details will be announced later.

    International Affairs Office, Graduate School of Economics
    iao.econ [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (please replace [at] with @)