The Asian Platform for Global Sustainability and Transcultural Studies (AGST) and the School of Social & Political Science, University of Glasgow organize a study trip to Glasgow, Scotland, UK from February 16 to 20, 2015.
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Feb 16, Monday
14:00- A Study Trip to Glasgow University
16:00-18:00 Joint Student Workshop of University of Glasgow and Kyoto University @ Seminar Room in the Lilybank house
Feb 17, Tuesday
10:00- A study Trip to Riverside Museum (Glasgow Museum of Transport)
14:00-16:00 Lecture “The Globalisation of International Banking and Finance” Prof. Catherine Schenk (A module of MA program “Global Economy” of the University of Glasgow) @ Room 224 in the St Andrew Building
Feb 18, Wednesday
10:00 Visit to the University of Glasgow Archives
14:00-16:00 Attendance at “Technology and Innovation” Prof. Ray Stokes (Core course of MA program “Global Economy” of the University of Glasgow) @ Room 107 in the Rankine Building
Feb 19, Thursday
Whole day A Study Trip to New Lanark, where an old cotton mill village was founded by the enlightened management of social pioneer, Robert Owen
Feb 20, Friday
10:00- Visit to Edinburgh
15:00-17:00 Attendance at “China in the International Economy” Prof. Catherine Schenk (A module of MA program “Global Economy” of the University of Glasgow) @ Seminar Room at Lilybank House
Prof. Takafumi Kurosawa (GSE, Kyoto University)
Associate Prof. Akira Tanaka (GSE, Kyoto University)
Ms. Tokiko Ikeda (International Coordinator, Kyoto University)
Ms. Yuko Imai (International Coordinator, Kyoto University)
[Contact person at University of Glasgow]
Dr. Duncan Ross
Senior Lecturer /Course Convenor, School of Social & Political Science,
University of Glasgow
[Photos] Updated on February 26.