As part of the 2017-2018 AGST International Collaborative Courses, the Division of Natural Resource Economics will hold an intensive lecture course entitled “Wine Economics and Market Chain” (Special Lecture on Natural Resources Economics IIIB), taught by Prof. Etienne Montaigne from Montpellier SupAgro, France on February 28- March 2, 2018.
The purpose of this course is to initiate Kyoto students in the understanding of the European and French wine economy according to the methods of the “filiere” analysis or Market chain analysis, in the tradition of the French agro-food and rural economy. The vine is a perennial plant producing, mainly in France, a processed product: the wine, with a strong symbolic and cultural load, but also containing alcohol. The lecture will sensitize the students to the structural inertias, to the major factors of evolution and regional specialization as well as to the specificity within a zone of mono-production. The analysis of biological and economic crises will provide elements of understanding and justification for public intervention. The lecture presents the historical elements of the organization of a sector, laws and institutions regulating products and markets. These laws and regulations are path-dependent on the economic and social events, in a kind of loop step by step.
Prof. Etienne Montaigne, Professor of Food and Rural Economy, Montpellier SupAgro, France
Feb 28 (Wed): 10:00- 12:00 & 13:00- 15:00
Mar 1 (Thur): 10:00- 12:00 & 13:00- 15:00
Mar 2 (Fri): 10:00- 12:00 & 13:00- 15:00
Room E217, 2nd Floor, Faulty of Agriculture Main Bldg., North Campus.
Click here for a map of the room.
This course is designed to be worth 1 credit.
Pre-registration is required.
-For credit:
*Registration is already closed.
-For non-credit participation:
*Register with Mr. KURODA (kuroda.makoto.6a[at]kyoto-u.ac.jp) by emailing him your name, affiliation, and student ID number by Feb 23.
*Registration for non-credit participation will be accepted on a first-come and first-served basis and will be closed upon reaching full capacity.
Click here to see syllabus.
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Makoto Kuroda, Assistant Teaching Staff, Division of Natural Resource Economics, Graduate School of Agriculture
kuroda.makoto.6a[at]kyoto-u.ac.jp (please replace [at] with @)