What is the research package you want to form while you are studying at Kyoto University?
The courses are designed to add to your research package a flavor of Asian and Transcultural Studies, locating Japan Studies in a global context.
All the students from the Faculty of Letters and the Graduate School of Letters at Kyoto University, as well as the exchange students from the partner universities such as the Cluster of Excellence: Asia and Europe in a Global Context at Heidelberg University, are encouraged to participate in the courses and let your study truly rise to the global context by yourself.
The courses are offered in English and presuppose some level of academic English. Non-English speaking students should take the courses as a place to improve your academic English skills in the context of the content-based learning. Enjoy the courses on Asian and Transcultural Studies and garnish your research package with Global Japanese Studies and improved academic English skills. Get ready to open a gateway to the global study.
Ms. Shoko Kurata
Office for Promotion of International Exchange, Graduate School of Letters
Faculty of Arts Bldg. 1F
E-mail: kurata.shoko.3e [at] kyoto-u.ac.jp (please replace [at] with @)
TEL: 075-753-2734