Please see the programme for the names, positions and affiliations of the speakers at the workshop.
[Date & Time]
Day 1: May 24th, 2016, 9:00-17:00
Day 2: May 25th, 2016, 9:30-11:45
Mizuho Hall (B1F), Faculty of Law/Economics East Bldg.
Main Campus, Kyoto University
Rural Sociology Group, Wageningen University, the Netherlands
Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Japan
Asian Platform for Global Sustainability & Transcultural Studies, Kyoto University, Japan
Click here to see the programme.
[Registration required]
Please send an email the following information to International Affairs Office, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University (See the below email address)
・Email address
・Faculty or Affiliation
[Registration Deadline]
22th May, 2016
International Affairs Office
Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University
iao.econ [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (please replace [at] with @)