Graduate School of Economics will hold the 2016 Briefing and 2015 Debriefing of Overseas Study Programmes.
This the only chance to know the detail about the Overseas Study Programmes provided / supported by GSE.
If you have any interested, come and join us!!
June 17th, Friday / 13:30 -15:00
13:30 ~ 2016 Briefing Session
14:00 ~ 2015 Debriefing Session
Mizuho Hall (B1F), Faculty of Law/Economics East Bldg.
Main Campus, Kyoto University
2016 Briefing Session
I. Field Research in Thailand (September 2016)
II. Overseas Programme in Germany (November 2016 (T.B.D.))
2015 Debriefing Session
I. Field Research in Thailand (Aug 31, 2015 – Sept 9, 2015)
II. Overseas Programme in U.S.A. (Sept 19, 2015 – Sept 27, 2015)
III. Overseas Study Programme in Germany (Nov 30, 2015 – Dec 10, 2015)
IV. Overseas Programme in the Netherlands (Mar 13, 2016 – Mar 22, 2016)
V. Short-term Overseas Field Research Programme
[More Detailed Inofrmation]
International Affairs Office
Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University
iao.econ [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (please replace [at] with @)