The Graduate School of Economics is pleased to announce the commencement of the call for entries for “English Brush-up Workshops”.
Workshop 1. IELTS Preparation

1:00PM – 3:00PM
December 3
December 5
December 10
Meeting Room (8F), Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics East Bldg.
Day 1: Speaking and listening
Day 2: Speaking and listening
Day 3: Grammar(各試験の傾向と対策)
Undergraduate / Graduate Students, GSE
Workshop 2. English Presentation Skills

This workshop offers students with an opportunity to improve their presentation skills in English.
10:00AM- 12:00PM
December 3
December 5
December 10
Meeting Room (8F), Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics East Bldg.
Day 1: How to present your ideas and how to structure your presentation
Day 2: Presentation practice and feedback
Day 3: Final presentation
Undergraduate / Graduate Students, GSE
(Registration required)
Please send an email the following informationto Dr. Steven Ivings (ivings.stevenedward.8a[at]
・Email address
・Workshop number or title